Most common issues during web development projects and how to prevent them


In this article, I will try to cover issues during web development projects. These are real examples.


1 Before you start with webshop development, you should ask your client for all the pieces of information about shipping — especially info about warehouses.

For example, if you have two warehouses, you should be aware that you have double shipping. That is an extra functionality. 

2 You should inform your clients about the project’s start, and you should explain that you need them to be active on the project.

For example, a client maybe doesn’t have the time for you, and you’re waiting for a response for a few weeks. But you booked resources for this project, and you have your employees on hold.

3 Explain your process to the client. Start with next step once the wireframes and mockups are approved.

You started with the programming part, and you received a design change request from a client. They should be aware that you are doing a backward step, and you are going to prepare a new design, then go back to the programming part. That means that you need more time and more working hours. The most common problem is that the client thinks: “Oh, that is only one click for you!”. And that’s a common reason why agencies lose their money.

4 When building a full custom project, always try to start with wireframes. 

For example, maybe you’d like to save time, and start with design directly. In this case, the client has approved this design. But, in one moment, the client needs a page you didn’t predict.  So, always start with wireframes. Low Wireframes will be sufficient, but try not to skip that step while it could prove as a significant risk. 


5 If you are building a multilanguage website, your client should deliver all texts, pieces of information and data that will be placed on the primary language.

Be careful and strict on this point – our rule is if you don’t deliver content on time, we will not start with work. The client can provide other languages later, but page structure should be identical to the primary language. For example, one project we are working on was late for about two months because we received content in pieces. 

6 Define minimum and maximum number of characters in texts for your website.

That is one of the most significant issues on every web project. Define deadlines and don’t start with a project without that. 

7 Texts must be delivered in Word (or similar software) document. Each page must be a unique Word document. Each Word document must be named according to the provided page on the website.

You won’t believe what kind of documents you can receive from another side. For example, one of our clients took a photo of written texts on paper and sent it to us via e-mail.

Structure texts inside the word document:

  • separated sections
  • h1 titles must be the largest
  • titles need to be bigger
  • current text should be medium
  • all other variations of the text must be clearly emphasized, for example, lower text, italic, bold, etc.
  • if a particular image is to be emphasized in that section of the text, it is necessary to write about which image it is and where is located

8 The client is obliged to submit all the pictures and graphics before the start of the production. Exceptions are possible, but they have to be defined in advance. 

9 All images must be accurately named. Pictures should not be called “IMG_0192984848fdg”, rather somethi like for example “Product-design-kontra-01”. 

10 The client should send all visual content to the agency in the best possible quality (open file logos and similar graphics).

11 If you estimate that pictures aren’t good, you should offer to the client:

  • Free images that we consider to be a good solution (if it’s around 7+ images, the client is obliged to pay the agency the time spent searching for them)
  • Paid images (if it’s 7+ photos, the client is required to pay the agency time spent)
  • At the end of the project, the client will pay additional costs for buying images/pictures or will send the links to the customer, and he/she will rent the rights of the images, and send them to us later on


These are some of the most common problems, but this article will be upgraded from time to time because this is not everything