Kontra’s 10 Most Popular Blog Posts in 2017

Most popular blog posts 2017

As every good digital marketers, we like to look and analyze Google Analytics data. This time, we wanted to know which articles on our blog brought the most views in 2017. As we launched our new site this year, we can’t compare 2017 vs 2016, but we have some really interesting data, so we’ll share some of it with you. Of course, some data will remain confidential :-).

10 most popular blog posts in 2017

  1. How to combine Express, AngularJS, and Socked.IO
  2. NodeJS – Memory leak hunt with memwatch and heapdump
  3. Emotions and social media
  4. Facebook contest & giveaway rules that nobody seems to follow
  5. 10 mistakes made by brands on Instagram & how to fix ’em
  6. LinkedIn is stupid. Get used to it.
  7. 9 best free photo sites for your online campaigns
  8. 35 best browser extensions for digital marketers
  9. How I managed to run a digital agency?
  10. Useful tools for planning AdWords campaign


Of course, our ebook about Facebook advertising was very popular as well.

We wrote more than 70 blog posts in 2017 and we’ll continue to write in 2018 as much as possible. What do you want us to write about? 🙂